Lifestyle, Exercise, Nutrition and Immune Health

Lifestyle, Exercise, Nutrition and Immune Health

Lifestyle, exercise, nutrition and immunity health go hand-in-carefully-washed-hand. This has always been a reason that I’ve known I should be taking diet and physical activity seriously, but after the last two years – and as things continue as they have been, these...
What is Nutritional Yeast and How Do You Use It?

What is Nutritional Yeast and How Do You Use It?

I have heard about nutritional yeast off and on for the last few years, and I’ve even been served this ingredient as a part of a larger recipe I once tried. Still, I’ve never known exactly what it is.  Now that it seems to be going through another wave of popularity,...
The Hand Pain-Free Way to Use Resistance Bands

The Hand Pain-Free Way to Use Resistance Bands

Does anyone else get sore hands when they use resistance bands? I can’t be the only one. Yes, some of them come with handles, but some of the ones I like the most just don’t have them.  This is particularly true when I’m bringing them with me.  The ones without...
Running and Dehydration: A Brutal Combination

Running and Dehydration: A Brutal Combination

Running and dehydration pretty much go hand-in-hand during the summer months.  As someone who has taken up running relatively recently and is facing her first summer with the sport, this is very new to me, though not unexpected.  That said, as I’ve been researching,...