Fantastic Foods (even cake!)

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cake2go pop art lady with heart hands

Beat the January Winter Blues with Chocolate Depression Cake (with Recipe)

by | Jan 26, 2022 | Fantastic Food | 0 comments

For my post this week, it felt like a good time to whip out my recipe for Chocolate Depression Cake. Though I know the name of this traditional dessert goes back to the Great Depression, it always makes me think of the end of January and the beginning of February when the winter blues really start to get going for a lot of us.  And while I also know that sugary foods are not the solution to feeling unhappy, a nice slice of this one on occasion can still make me smile.

Chocolate Depression Cake for the Winter Blues

Of course, it’s not just a matter of the name. Chocolate Depression Cake does work well with my little word play about the winter blues. However, I also love this option for this time of year because it’s rich, moist, has a creamy frosting on top, and it freezes wonderfully.

So, if you’re like me with a sweet tooth, a love of baking, but a hope to keep your weight under control, then you’ll like that you can have some right away and tuck remaining portions into your freezer for the next time you need something a bit chocolatey. My strategy is to bake the whole recipe, then cut the cake into four.  A quarter for me for a couple of desserts. A quarter gets packed up and brought over to Marley’s place.  One quarter goes to a family member of mine who lives nearby, and the remaining quarter is sliced into two and the portions are placed in the fridge.  If I didn’t give away as much of it as I do, I’d freeze those extra portions too. It won’t stop me from eating them…but it’ll slow me down!

Just make sure it’s perfectly cool before you freeze it. It’ll stay good for up to 3 months.

Easy Recipe

This one doesn’t take a lot of ingredients, skill, or even a single cracked egg! So if you haven’t been to the store in a while or your supermarket has been hit by shortages in certain aisles, you should still be okay.

Chocolate Depression Cake Ingredients:

  • 5c all-purpose flour
  • 1c sugar
  • ¼c cocoa powder (unsweetened, the best one you have)
  • ½tsp salt
  • 1tsp baking soda
  • 1tsp vanilla extract (the real stuff, if you can get it)
  • 1tsp white vinegar
  • 1/3c vegetable oil
  • 1c water

If you want to give more of a “devil’s food” flavor to your Chocolate Depression Cake, add 1tsp instant coffee crystals at the same time as the cocoa.

Frosting Ingredients

  • 3tbsp butter, softened
  • 3tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 1c powdered/confectioners’ sugar
  • 3tbsp whole milk or heavy cream.

Chocolate Depression Cake Directions

Preheat your oven to 350ºF. Grease or parchment-line an 8×8 baking pan and set aside.

For the cake, start with a medium-sized mixing bowl. In it, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, (instant coffee crystals, optional), salt, and baking soda. Use a fork or whisk to combine thoroughly.

In a small mixing bowl, combine vanilla, vinegar, oil and water and stir until thoroughly combined. Add to dry ingredients and stir using a whisk or spatula until everything is well mixed.

Pour into prepared baking pan and set it in the oven to bake for about 30 minutes.  It’s ready when a toothpick comes out with a few crumbs – it will not be clean – but not with wet batter. Remove from oven and allow to cool in the pan.

Frosting Directions

Though you can do this with a spatula, I strongly recommend a hand-mixer because it does a far better and easier job.

In a small mixing bowl, combine the softened butter, cocoa, honey, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Make sure they are well mixed together.

Add the milk one tablespoon at a time, mixing well in between.  This will allow you to stop when you get to the right consistency.  You might find that you don’t require all 3 tablespoons, or that you need just slightly more.

Once the cake is thoroughly cooled, spread the frosting overtop. I just do it while it’s still in the pan.  Don’t try to make this task faster and frost the cake while it’s still even slightly warm. It will only rip the top into a million crumby pieces.


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