My weight loss is slow right now. A lot slower than it was at the start. I know that it’s normal for things to go quickly for the first few weeks because it’s actually a lot of water loss and body composition changes going on and not necessarily fat burning. Still, it’s getting to me that I’m losing 1 pound every 2 to 3 weeks at the moment.
Doing Something Because My Weight Loss is Slow
If I keep up this pace, I’ll reach my goal on the scale in 2050. I’ve decided to buy three bottles of diet pills to help me out. I think I should have done this from the start. If there’s one thing that I know about myself, it’s that weight loss is slow at the best of times. I’m just not willing to give up absolutely everything I love to eat in the name of faster fat burning.
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I love to cook, and I love to bake. I like to try new things. I’m not about to give that up. I do try to be nutritious about my choices, and I’m really working on portion control. Still, that means that when I’m tracking my calories, I’m usually juuuust inside the line for where I should be. As a result, my weight loss is slow.
Choosing a Diet Pill
I’ve used diet pills before, off and on. I also know that Marley has had a lot of luck with her own diet pills while she’s been keto dieting. For some reason, I’d hoped to take on my goal without leaning on a supplement. I’m not sure why. Would I want to try to build something from IKEA without one of those little allen keys? Of course not. To reach a goal, I need the right tools. For me and the dieting strategy I’m using, a diet pill would help to give me the support I need to turn around this slow weight loss trend.
I’ve chosen a pill called APEX TX5. It’s made by Intechra Health, which is the same company that makes the diet pills Marley is using, and I’ve tried a couple of other things they make in the past. I’ve ordered 3 bottles (because ordering 3 at a time gets a reduced price, free shipping, and a free extra bottle of another diet pill called FENFAST 375 that I’ll be able to try, too).
Once they arrive, I’ll take some pictures and talk about them here and on Facebook.
I picked this pill because all its ingredients are clinically studied and because its benefits focus on metabolic rate support, thermogenic effects, plus focus and alertness. So essentially, the idea is for me to keep doing what I’m doing but make it easier, so I’ll get more out of my calorie control and workouts without as much struggle. Hopefully, this will be the end of the slow weight loss for me!