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Lifestyle, Exercise, Nutrition and Immune Health
Lifestyle, exercise, nutrition and immunity health go hand-in-carefully-washed-hand. This has always been a reason that I’ve known I should be taking diet and physical activity seriously, but after the last two years – and as things continue as they have been, these practices seem more important to me than they have been before.
What is Nutritional Yeast and How Do You Use It?
I have heard about nutritional yeast off and on for the last few years, and I’ve even been served this ingredient as a part of a larger recipe I once tried. Still, I’ve never known exactly what it is. Now that it seems to be going through another wave of popularity, apparently under the nickname “nooch”, I’ve decided that it’s about time to inform myself. And if I’m going to go to all the effort to get this right, then I’m going to take a minute to share what I learn with you too.
The Hand Pain-Free Way to Use Resistance Bands
Does anyone else get sore hands when they use resistance bands? I can’t be the only one. Yes, some of them come with handles, but some of the ones I like the most just don’t have them. This is particularly true when I’m bringing them with me. The ones without handles pack so small that I can bring the equivalent to a complete gym with me in a space smaller than what I need for my phone.
Running and Dehydration: A Brutal Combination
Running and dehydration pretty much go hand-in-hand during the summer months. As someone who has taken up running relatively recently and is facing her first summer with the sport, this is very new to me, though not unexpected. That said, as I’ve been researching, I’ve also discovered that the combination, while brutal, isn’t exactly what many of us assume it is, particularly when it comes to difficulty level.
Top 3 Reasons Not to Get Nutrition Advice from Influencers
I absolutely love helpful nutrition advice. The thing I need to remind myself to do more often is to watch my sources. I’m careful, to a certain extent. For example, if I look something up, I’ll definitely pay close attention to the quality of the links I click. If I see advice on a personal blog or on Harvard Health’s site, I’ll definitely consider the latter to be more reliable than the former. It’s not any old person on the internet is wrong, it’s just that some organizations have more street cred.
Are You Ready for the Treadmill Struts Workouts You Saw on TikTok?
Have you heard of the TikTok treadmill struts trend? If you liked the hot girl walk, then you’re likely going to enjoy this one too. They are both focused on activity through body positivity, self-love, and positive self-image. That said, while one takes you outside (which is great), this new trend lets you get your exercise no matter the weather outside. So, if your area is under a heat warning or buried in snow, you’ll still have this option to enjoy.