I’ve reached the point that I’m ready to share my keto tips for beginners. Based on the research I’ve done on my own behalf, my own successes and my own blunders, I’ve got some things to say about the ketogenic diet and what the experience is all about.
My Keto Tips for Beginners Are Based on My Own Dieting Experience
Before we get going with my keto tips for beginners, it’s important for you to know that I am not a doctor or any kind of scientist. I’m a dieter…and I’m new at it. I haven’t even been doing this for a month yet. Still, I’ve learned a lot in that time. One of the most important things is that the keto flu is not a joke, and if you have a good strategy to get through it, it will make a huge difference. Huge. Huge!
I Wish I’d Had These Keto Tips for Beginners
I’ve been doing pretty good with my dieting. Still, I read a lot of the more formal information and tried to stick to high quality medical sources to guide me. Was that a good idea? I think it was. My goal was to avoid a lot of messy and inaccurate information that would have just thrown me right off the good path and into the mud.
Still, it would have been great if I’d known about some quality resources from people with firsthand experiences. That would have let me learn these keto tips for beginners without having to discover them the hard way.
That’s exactly why I’ve decided to make that my post today. If you come across this blog or our social media on Facebook or Twitter, then maybe I can help you to avoid making the same goofs I did.
My Best Keto Tips for Beginners
Here are my very bets keto tips for beginners. Use them in good health!
1 – Other People Are Not You
If you have a friend, family member, or blogger that you’re following, and their results are different (usually better!) than yours, don’t beat yourself up. Do not, I repeat, do not feel disappointed in yourself. When you start feeling that way, promise me you will repeat this line to yourself right away:
“I [insert your name here] am amazing, smart, and beautiful, and I am doing my best. I am a unique individual, and I’m proud of that. The keto diet isn’t easy, but I’m learning it, and I’m getting better at it every day.”
I feels dumb saying it at first, but I swear to you that if you say it enough (and mean it), it works. It’s why this is the first one of my keto tips for beginners.
2 – Take Pictures
Take basic, straight-on, unflattering, honest-to-yourself pictures. You can smile if you want, but don’t suck in your middle or try to make yourself “look good”. Let it all hang out. You’ll probably cringe at that first photo if you’re anything like me…but when this diet kicks in, the pictures you take over time will give you the biggest bragging rights ever – to yourself and anyone who will listen. Back it up with other stats like weight, measurements, and the shrinking results using an accurate BMI calculator.
3 – Drink Water
Do not tell me that you don’t like to drink water, because I’m not listening. It is so, so, so important to making sure your body is functioning at its best, especially when you’re just first achieving ketosis and then maintaining it. You will be able to feel when your water intake is low. It’s more likely you’ll be dragging and it’s like you can just feel those fat cells hanging on tighter.
Plus, just so you know, there is a higher risk of constipation with the keto diet, until you really get the hang of what to eat, so believe me when I say that you are going to want to drink water to encourage some movement.
4 – Take A Very High-Quality Supplement
This could easily have been my top option for my keto tips for beginners, but I decided to save it for last in the hopes that you’ll pay attention. Doing the ketogenic diet will mess with your digestion, energy levels and the way you feel overall, especially at the beginning. The “keto flu” isn’t a virus, but it feels like one. My worst day felt like I was hit by a truck because I’d already ordered a supplement but was too impatient to get started, so I began the diet without receiving the supplement yet.
I’m in love with KETO FASTCUT because of the difference it has made, and how it helped to dig me out of the keto flu and get me into ketosis and staying there (along with all my diet changes, of course). I found it because I’d read that you should take something with magnesium BHB in it. This formula contains magnesium BHB, as well as calcium BHB and sodium BHB on top of organic acacia Senegal powder.
After I started taking it, my energy levels returned to normal and then pretty much took off (even though it’s stimulant-free). My stomach settled, and I finally settled into this diet. This is not a paid endorsement. This is me being a big fan. I can see why Holly gave up when she tried the keto diet. I’ve definitely found my secret weapon to keep it up.