Are you ready for my best first run tips now that I’ve been heading out for a couple of weeks? If you spotted my last blog, you’ll know that I’m trying to start running. I kept my promise to myself and, after doing my research, I got out there and started giving it a try. That said, there were a few recommendations that I took to heart when I began, and I’m grateful I did. So, in case you’re getting started too, I though I’d share them with you.
Why I Loved These First Run Tips
Though I read a lot about how to get started with running, there were some first run tips that helped to let me know what I was doing (as much as was possible!), and that I could feel proud of myself even if I wasn’t looking like all the other experienced runners out there. They were great for offering guidance and motivation. That’s why I want to share them with you here.
My Top 3 First Run Tips
The following are my favorite first run tips. I hope they help you too!
1 – Start Easy
A lot of the things I’d read said not to aim for more than 30 minutes. That absolutely overwhelmed me. I wasn’t sure that I could do 1 minute, let alone a half hour! So, when I happened to listen to running guidance on Headspace between the program’s founder, Andy, and Nike coach Chris Bennet, I knew I’d found the guidance that was right for me. Their instruction was to start easy. They said to make it so easy that you think you’re underdoing it.
Remember that this isn’t the all-defining run of your life. It’s your first one. Get to know your body, your ability and where you are right now. Always work with where you are right now. Where you want to be is great, but the best of all the first run tips I’ve had is to honor the fact that I’m doing it and that I am where I am. It sounds basic, but it’s powerful.
So, I slowly jogged (probably not any faster than a brisk walk would have been) for 12 minutes. I never got totally out of breath, though I definitely worked up a sweat and my Fitbit recorded a peak heart rate nearly the entire time. The best thing? I was motivated to do it again. To me, that’s the top success I could have achieved.
2 – Wear Great Shoes
If your feet are uncomfortable and your shoes aren’t performing as they should, you won’t be running well and might be setting yourself up for injury. I know old shoes are comfortable, but they’re not meant for athletic performance. My next best first run tips have to do with making sure you’re properly equipped. Your shoes are the most important thing you’ll need to buy. Ensure they have the right shape, fit, comfort, support and cushion. They should feel like a protective extension of your feet. If something feels off, even if your ankles feel wobbly as you bound around the store, they’re not the right ones for you. Try on another pair.
3 – Dress Appropriately
You’re going to want functional clothes. I know I just finished saying in my last first run tip that shoes were the main equipment, but make sure you’re dressed right, even if you’re not buying anything new. Don’t dress to be cute. If you find functional clothing that is cute, great. I didn’t. I found that I liked pants that were fitted and smooth so my thighs wouldn’t rub (I’m not a delicate willowy flower), a tank and a light outer jacket. That way, I can adjust my clothing as I get warmer from the run. Dress slightly too cool, ideally with moisture-wicking fabrics and vented designs. You’ll warm up fast!