Real Talk About Weight Loss

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Rethink Your Diet Strategy with Weight Loss Hacks that Work

by | Sep 29, 2016 | Dieting Tricks, Weight Loss Tips | 0 comments

Dieting is hard. At least, it is if you do it in most of the traditional ways without the help of some awesome weight loss hacks that can make all the difference. Yes, you do need to eat right and live an active lifestyle appropriate to your fitness level. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t give your results a boost with the right strategies, tips and tricks.

It’s important to realize that much of what we once thought to be concrete dieting rules have actually turned out to be partially or completely incorrect. We used to think that eating fat was responsible for gaining fat. As it turns out, many healthful fats actually function in the body as fat burners. We used to think that zero calorie artificial sweeteners meant we could enjoy sodas and other sweet products without the calorie guilt. As it turns out, many of those products are connected to health problems including weight gain, not weight loss.

It’s time we start breaking away from the old, inaccurate myths and misunderstandings about weight loss and learn the strategies that actually work. Among these weight loss hacks include the following:

Enjoy HIIT workouts on a budget – It’s true that HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts are hot right now but there is such thing as too much of a good thing. Overtraining with these workouts can actually boost your cortisol (stress hormone) levels which can make you store more fat and crave sugar. This can place all your hard work at risk.
Have a calorie counting app? Great! Delete it – Over the last few years, one study after the next has been showing that calorie counting simply isn’t the way to go. You can use a calorie counting app for a short while to give yourself an idea of how many calories your favorite foods actually contain. In that sense, you’re using it as a learning tool to better understand your food. However, budgeting and calculating your food choices and portions based on calories typically stops people from eating balanced diets. People end up eating carb heavy diets because they’re trying to keep their calories down. This leads to sugar spikes and crashes, causes fat cells to store more and leads to sugar cravings.
Eat by a clock – As much as you can, set an eating schedule for yourself, particularly in terms of your larger meals. If you can’t schedule every meal, schedule your breakfast. This trains your body to become hungry at certain specific times of the day. That way, you can snack and eat appropriately to keep your hunger under control. It will allow you to make smarter eating decisions and take the starvation out of weight loss.

Most of Us Think we’re Making Far Better Healthy Food Choices Than We Are

Most of Us Think we’re Making Far Better Healthy Food Choices Than We Are

I like to think that I’m making some healthy food choices, for the most part. I know my diet isn’t perfect. I don’t even aim for perfect. I’d have to give up too much of my favorite treats to get to that point. I don’t even think that focusing too much on nutrition is great for your overall wellbeing. A bit of fun has its place now and then. That said, according to this new study I’ve read, we Americans think we’re doing far better than we are, and it’s really holding us back!

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What Exactly is a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss?

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What Exactly is a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss?

What Exactly is a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss?

I’d heard about the need for a calorie deficit about a million times before I actually looked into what it was. Now, I understand that the name pretty much explains what it is. I got it on the most basic level. If I wanted to lose weight, I needed to burn more calories than I was taking in. That said, when it comes to putting things into practice, the situation became less obvious to me. I admit that it took freaking forever for me to actually look it up.

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