Don’t Forget Exercise!

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cake2go pop art lady with heart hands

How to Do a 5am Run When You’re not a Morning Person

by | Apr 13, 2022 | Don't Forget Exercise | 0 comments

I am not a morning person, but I’ve still found that a 5am run is the time that works best for me. If you’d asked me a few years ago – heck, six months ago – if I’d be out there before the sun comes up and jogging down the sidewalk on my own, I’d have looked at you like you’d lost your mind. Never at any time in my life had I ever pictured myself as someone who would wake up that early, have a quick bite and sip of water and then start running. Now, I do it a few times a week! Even more surprising, I kind of love it!

How I Get Motivated for a 5am Run

I view my 5am run as something very important. I treat it like something special. The reason is that there is a lot of natural motivation for me to stay in bed until the sun comes up. The motivation I have to get up and face exercise in the dark hangs by a thin thread. Even if I love it, it still takes every ounce of drive in me to drag myself up and get moving. I know how little it would take to stop me from doing it, so I am very careful with how I go about it.

Because I’m this careful, I know exactly how I build up my motivation for a 5am run. After all, it’s completely manufactured, and it comes with specific steps.

My Top Steps for 5am Run Motivation

Here are the steps I take to make sure I’m ready and motivated for my 5am run. I hope they help you if you’re considering doing this, because it really is the best time to go. Not only does it mean that the workout is over and done with just as you start your day, but you can build your running practice out there in the dark when nobody else will see you! No shame in those walking intervals because you’re on your own!

1 – Pick Out Your Clothes and Set Them Out

The less you have to think and do to start your 5am run, the better.  This starts with picking out your clothes the night before. Everything, from your top, pants and jacket to your socks and underwear. I even set out my shoes by the door and lay out any hat I plan to put on. That way, I can function in robot mode. I just do what my last-night-self tells me to do.

2 – Prepare the Coffee to Brew

Since I don’t actually have all the time in the world, I make sure that I don’t have to do as much in the morning as I usually would. This way, it’s easier to fit in my 5am run and more challenging to find reasons not to do it. The night before, I have the grounds and water in the coffee maker all ready to go. That way, I hit the “brew” button just before I head out to go running so it will be ready once I’m back.

3 – Make 2 Breakfasts

This always makes me feel like a bit of a hobbit. I have a very light breakfast before I head out running (because I don’t perform nearly as well on an empty stomach) and second breakfast, another light one, when I get back. This usually means a half a banana before going out, and the remainder of the banana, some blueberries and some pepitas on plain yogurt when I get home (with my freshly brewed coffee).

4 – Check the Weather

Instead of trying to keep up a regular running pattern on certain days of the week, I play to the weather. I check what things are forecasted to be like the next morning, and I pick the best days to head out. After all, I am not going to be motivated to go for a 5am run in a downpour. In fact, I won’t want to go out even if it’s spitting out! I pick the best days an go out then, so that it’s always the best experience. Even better? Since it’s before dawn, the bugs aren’t up yet to bother me!

5 – Track Progress

Can I tell you how excited I am each and every time I look at my results tracked on my Fitbit? I haven’t even really gone for a 5am run enough times that I understand what all the stats mean or whether my performance is improving. All I know is that it’s so fun to see my little map of having run around the block, with various heart rates, paces, and step counts. It’s addicting and a great way to keep up my motivation.

Closing Thoughts on Driving Your 5am Run

I hope this helps! If you want more tricks I’ve come up with since I’ve started running, check out my blog with tips for the first time you go running.

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