Since 2015

Have Your Cake &
Weight Loss Too!


How To Eat Smart, Stay Fit & Still Have Cake

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My Go-To Healthy Zucchini Recipes for Summertime

My Go-To Healthy Zucchini Recipes for Summertime

Summertime absolutely begs for great healthy zucchini recipes. Its all well and good to just toss them on the grill or grate them up and make a bread/loaf out of them, but there’s so much more to do with these summer squash than just zoodles. All those dishes are wonderful. I love them, but when the harvests start coming in – my own or those of generous neighbors who don’t know what to do with them all – I like to let my creative juices flow.

My Favorite 5 Vitamin Supplements for Nutrition and Wellness

My Favorite 5 Vitamin Supplements for Nutrition and Wellness

The vitamin supplements shelf at my local drugstore is a wild west of different types of pills, powders and even gummies. Even when I go there knowing exactly what I want to find, I can still feel more than a bit lost and confused. It’s just not enough to know the general idea of what you want anymore. There are different formats, quantities, and brands to consider – not to mention price – and they all play a role in the final decision.

What Exactly is a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss?

What Exactly is a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss?

I’d heard about the need for a calorie deficit about a million times before I actually looked into what it was. Now, I understand that the name pretty much explains what it is. I got it on the most basic level. If I wanted to lose weight, I needed to burn more calories than I was taking in. That said, when it comes to putting things into practice, the situation became less obvious to me. I admit that it took freaking forever for me to actually look it up.

Most of Us Think we’re Making Far Better Healthy Food Choices Than We Are

Most of Us Think we’re Making Far Better Healthy Food Choices Than We Are

I like to think that I’m making some healthy food choices, for the most part. I know my diet isn’t perfect. I don’t even aim for perfect. I’d have to give up too much of my favorite treats to get to that point. I don’t even think that focusing too much on nutrition is great for your overall wellbeing. A bit of fun has its place now and then. That said, according to this new study I’ve read, we Americans think we’re doing far better than we are, and it’s really holding us back!

weight loss success

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