Diet Hints, Hacks & Tricks

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cake2go pop art lady with heart hands

New and Unique Ways to Smash Your Cravings

by | Apr 28, 2015 | Dieting Tricks | 0 comments

You’ve heard all of the standard tips and tricks for killing your cravings, but no matter what you do, they’re still there. Temptation is always just around the corner and ready to leap out in front of you, and you’re never really sure if you’ll be able to resist. Then you’re stuck with the feelings of guilt as you know you’ve cheated on your solid efforts and you won’t be able to reach the same level of results that could have been possible if you’d only been able to stop yourself from indulging.

The following are some new, weird, and interesting ways that you can give your cravings another bash and keep them under control more effectively. They’re backed by research and can help you to put a full stop on your inclinations to eat foods that you know you don’t need and that you don’t even truly want.

• Eat oats for breakfast – Researchers in Sweden’s Lund University found that when oatmeal was consumed for breakfast, it helped to produce higher levels of hormones for satiety for up to 7 hours.

• Avoid the worst triggers of your cravings – If you know that you can’t go by the cinnamon bun bakery without buying at least one, or if you know that your favorite coffee shop will never sell you a black coffee when there is a mochachino on the menu, then become aware of those risky spots and start to avoid them. Walk on the opposite side of the street. Take an alternate route that doesn’t lead you right into temptation. Don’t forget your own kitchen. Get rid of all of the foods you shouldn’t be eating, or at least stuff them in the back of the pantry where you can’t see them!

• Get into video games – Studies have shown that when people are playing video games with both hands – as is the case with game controllers, as opposed to games on smartphone touchscreens – they are less likely to experience cravings. In fact, if they are suffering from cravings, just about any video game will help to kill it. If you don’t have a game console, then that mobile game will actually help you, even if it isn’t the ideal type.

• Tap your forehead with your fingertip – This may sound very bizarre, but the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center researchers found that using your finger to tap on your forehead for thirty seconds can actually engage the part of the brain that is responsible for the cravings in the first place and can interrupt that feeling.

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